Well well twelve, ain’t it gettin near the end of the year already. And the Macabre Monday community has just passed our 666th subscriber. We’re excited to share a few more weeks of dark ficiton before the lights go out on 2024.
We also wanted to shine a little torch fire on some of the other community building happenings in the fiction community lately. If you haven’t checked out any stories from The Substack Zone project, you should. Thanks to
and for organizing this incredible initiative. You can start here on the Top In Fiction landing page to check out a table of contents of the work. Thank you for the huge push on that. Also you’ll find stories by our very own and there for your unsettling review.Next, we are very excited to help promote the Twelve Days of Christmas - Dark Tidings collaboration, initated by
. Also featuring yours truly, Shaina, and . This is a killer line-up of some of your fave Substack fiction writers counting down each day until Christmas. starting this Friday the 13th.And lastly before we get to our Top Picks Digest this week. We wanted to say that we are very excited about our new contest, we’ll be announcing in the coming weeks. The last Halloween contest was so successful with so much amazing work, we can’t wait to get going on a new one.
And on that note we finally have prizing complete for our last winner
for her story Talk To Me. We’ll be sending out a special post with the Audio VO and Talk To Me zine this week.Top Picks Digest
Thanks so much for the mention!